Dear Ones,
The past year has seen our Ministry face some difficult choices and some renewed joy. Just like life, this work is blessed and challenged by the realities of life. And you have been such a blessing to us here at Faith Encouraged Ministries. I am so thankful to God for you!
We saw some real loss during the Pandemic that had us tighten our belts a bit and try to figure out the best way to keep serving as best we could.
But now we are on the “other side” of those tightening times and I’m asking you for your support here at the end of the year. A year-end gift of $5, $10, or even $50 would help us grow and meet the changing needs of our media outreach.
Giving Tuesday is right around the corner and I hope you will consider Faith Encouraged Ministries during this time of giving thanks!
Your Grateful Servant,
Fr. Barnabas, Founder Faith Encouraged Ministries
P.S. Stay tuned for a special announcement soon about an exciting project.