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The Living Bread

Christ is risen! There is actually a mental health condition called thanatophobia - the fear of death. This phobia drives those who suffer from this malady to be afraid of doing anything. But, in reality, having anxiety about one's mortality is actually normal in us humans. Why do you think that is? Could it be that a…

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I Am the Living Bread

Christ is risen! There is actually a mental health condition called thanatophobia - the fear of death. This phobia drives those who suffer from this malady to be afraid of doing anything. But, in reality, having anxiety about one's mortality is actually normal in we humans. Why do you think that is? Could it be that a…

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Living Bread vs. Daily Bread

Christ is risen! In the ancient Roman Empire there were three charges the authorities used to persecute the early Christians: 1. They were Atheists - You see, the Christians didn't believe in the pagan gods. 2. They were incestuous - They had weekly "love feasts" and called each other brother and sister. 3. They were cannibals…

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