Nelson Mandela once said "I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid,…
When I get discouraged, I can always trace it back to a loss of perspective. I mean, it's inevitable. My challenges give me tunnel vision and I lose the ability…
They say there is a point of absolute clarity when a person is facing their own mortality. We've heard it all before; "Your life flashes before your eyes." Of course,…
Daring to follow God's plan for your life is an act of faith that rarely happens by accident. You have to be listening to hear His plans!
So how do you…
It is said that the greatest chess players "see" at least 4 moves ahead at all times. This is why they can anticipate their opponents' moves and be ready for…
Years ago, in my police officer days, I got assigned to the local DUI Task Force. This was a multi-jurisdictional team of officers specifically trained to combat driving under the…
It's an old word, but I like it. The word "covenant" is such a significant word for we moderns precisely because we have seemed to have forgotten the power of…
"Blood is thicker than water." "He makes my blood boil." We are related by blood." So many sayings about "blood" and so many common sayings from culture to culture. It…