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At this time of year, there is a familiar sound in front of the stores I visit. It is the distinct sound of bell-ringing and the seasonal sight of a red bucket. Frankly, it is a comfort to me. And I have taught my children that we have a family rule: We never pass the red bucket without putting something in. Never. Listen to St. Poemen.

“As far as you can, do some manual work so as to be able to give alms, for it is written that alms and faith purify from sin.”


Why does almsgiving and faith purify from sin?

To drill down to the answer to this fundamental question, we will have to re-visit the Garden. Our first parents were placed in a garden by God and told to “tend” the garden. They were given this responsibility BEFORE the fatal flaw that saw them sent away from the garden and saw the break of intimacy between them and God. So, work precedes sin.

There is something about work, purposeful effort toward a specific goal, that teaches us how to enter into a closer relationship with God. Effort expended invites me into relationship. No effort, no work, and I all to easily reduce myself to just myself. Work invites me to abandon self-centeredness and extend my energy to something outside myself. Work gets results.

But the next step is key. The Church teaches us that the three main disciplines of any fasting period are Prayer, Fasting, and Almsgiving. When we work and gain results, we are then called by the Faith to take a portion of those results – harvested crops, leisure time, money, education, developed talents, etc. – and give that portion away. Why?

Because work without giving only serves to deepen the poverty of my own self-centeredness. And that creates the exact opposite of intimacy with others and with God. Work without giving creates stinginess and greed. But work that sees a portion of the fruits of my labors as an opportunity to share and extend mercy and kindness and support to causes greater than myself creates the exact kind of dynamic in my heart that invites intimacy and devotion to others and to God. The truth is Almsgiving is always as much for my own good as it is for others. Generosity is simply not an option for someone who claims to be a Christian. Period.

It’s why I love today’s Gospel Lesson. Here Jesus heals a blind man. He displays His generosity in touching someone in need AND someone who simply could not repay the Lord’s kindness. The Lord even tells the man not to return to the village he came from so this would avoid bringing too much adulation to the Lord! Amazing! See the reading in Mark 8:22-26

During this time of the year when our thinking is turned to the dangers of mere sentimentality in our giving, the Church continually calls us to a more robust and mature attitude about generosity and sharing the fruits of our work.

We are called to appreciate the absolute necessity of giving. The truth is work, and the blessings that come from our work, are fundamentally about our first desire and need to see our souls shaped into a fitting companion for God. If that isn’t the foundation of our thinking and attitudes then we will fall into the may “traps” for our souls that diminish the power of our work and our generosity.

It’s why the Church insists that those who really are serious about their spiritual maturity, about actually practicing their faith see Almsgiving (the sharing of money or time or abilities to others who cannot repay them) as one of the three pillars of spiritual development. Without Almsgiving, Prayer and Fasting are incomplete.

Today, allow the insights of your true spiritual need to return to a deep and intimate connection with God and with others around you for your own salvation, to mature your motivation for giving. You need to give. If you don’t a serious spiritual illness in your heart (and in all our hearts) will never be healed. Learning the power of generosity to overcome the spiritual cancer of stinginess is necessary if you are ever going to enjoy being with God. Be cause He is the most generous and the most humble Being in the universe. And learning to be like Him is the only way you are ever going to enjoy being around Him for eternity.

Today, give alms and your Father Who sees in secret will reward you openly with a free heart and a joyful life. That’s the power of generosity and the real value of hard work!

1 Comment

  • Dallas Wolf
    Posted December 10, 2013 at 11:04 am

    Good word. We should never be hesitant or apologetic about talking about Biblical giving. If people get convicted and upset, there’s a reason.

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