We are entering into the dreaded “summer months” for non-profits! It’s the time of year when budgets are stretched thin because of a variety of factors. But I don’t want to focus on what we don’t have! I want to first thank you for your faithful support during this year! Your faithful financial support means so much to us to pay for website fees, publishing design, email services, and even supporting staff with a stipend every month.
An email we received this week tells the story. It’s from Australia and this person shared with us how wonderful it is to get the homilies there in Australia. Our ministry provides a much appreciated outreach to folks who are seeking Orthodoxy all over the world!
Would you consider a special summer gift to Faith Encouraged Ministries? Use this link – https://faithencouraged.org/make-a-donation/ – to make a gift to the outreach work and help sustain us during these summer months!
Thank you so much and God Bless!
Fr. Barnabas Powell – frbarnabas@faithencouraged.org