I hated what was coming and, what made it worse was, it was unavoidable. It was a confrontation with a supervisor that had been building for some time, and it wasn’t going to be pretty. As he and I sat in the office of the consultant that the company had brought in to help several employees come to some resolution with a common challenge we all had with this supervisor, it was my turn to do this unpleasant work. As I spoke, I watched this supervisor begin to wilt under the effects of my words to this consultant and, to add injury to insult, the consultant said that my words should be printed and given to every employee and supervisor in the company! Ugh. This was NOT FUN.
But sometimes our lives bring us to moments where the risk of hearing or experiencing confrontations that are not pleasant, but at the same time, in hindsight, we have to confess these moments were absolutely necessary. And, how we handle these unpleasant, but necessary moments reveal both our character AND our ability to handle future moments like this well! Pretty significant, don’t you think?
Look at our Gospel Lesson in Luke 18:31-34:
At that time, Jesus, taking the twelve, said to them, “Behold, we are going up to Jerusalem, and everything that is written of the Son of man by the prophets will be accomplished. For he will be delivered to the Gentiles, and will be mocked and shamefully treated and spit upon; they will scourge him and kill him, and on the third day he will rise.” But they understood none of these things; this saying was hid from them, and they did not grasp what was said.
On this Thanksgiving Day here in the US, what does it take to face moments like this with gratitude and resolve? How do we prepare ourselves to go through these moments well? The key is in this passage. The Lord tells the disciples the truth about what is coming in His life and in their lives as well. The Lord is going to be “shamefully treated” and He is going to be executed. But that’s not the end of His story: He will also rise from the dead on the third day. And yet, His disciples didn’t get it!
To “get” hard news like this requires three characteristics of the serious disciple: First, you have to be open to hear. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve spoken the truth in love to someone and they simply didn’t get it. They weren’t ready to hear what I had to say. To be honest, this has happened to me as well when I wasn’t ready to hear what I needed to hear. Next, you have to trust the one telling you the truth. And this trust has to have reached the level where the very difficult truths being shared can be understood. That takes love, humility, and a necessary amount of time with the Other to have built that kind of trusting relationship. And finally, you have to have perspective that this is a moment, not eternity. The Lord’s sufferings and death were not the end of the story, but the disciples missed the temporariness of the hard moment and also missed the joy of the promise of resurrection. They couldn’t grasp the momentary suffering BECAUSE they didn’t get the resurrection!
So, on this Thanksgiving Day, as the gather with friends and family and eat entirely too much, slump down on that comfy couch to watch a football game, and laugh and celebrate with all our kin, let’s grasp that is truly necessary to develop a sufficiently mature gratefulness that can transform our lives. This life of Gratitude will only be deep, mature, and life changing when I go beyond the temporary moments of challenge to see the eternal consequences of faithfulness. It is when I get stuck in sorrow that I lose the ability to be grateful. I lose the ability to hear Him, trust Him, and see with Him beyond the moment of my immediate pain.
Today, let’s embrace a true Thanksgiving by learning to not allow a moment to knock me down, but see beyond the temporary to the eternal joy of resurrection. Happy Thanksgiving and God bless.
1 Comment
Happy Thanksgiving, Father Barnabas, to you and your family. I am blessed in so many ways and one way is by these devotionals. Have a wonderful day.