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“I Hope To Hear From You Daily Again Soon.”

But notes like this remind me why I need to do this:

“I just wanted to email and say that I very much appreciate your daily devotionals. They’re wonderful to start my day on the way to work. I hope to hear from you daily again soon!”

The goal during this pause in our daily devotionals is to get a handle on a production schedule that will allow me to improve our work to serve you.

One of the most important parts of this pause is the PUSH to get the help we need to make that improvement possible. And that’s WHY I’m asking you to become a Patron of Faith Encouraged Ministries.  I need to see if there is enough support among us to expand the work of Faith Encouraged and to do that, I need your help.

For just the cost, once a month, of a specialty coffee, you can become a Patron of Faith Encouraged and help me improve and expand our outreach efforts to encourage you and your family in a daily practice of the Faith. $5 a month from even a small percentage of our daily readers will mean the support necessary to grow and share this outreach with so many others.

Will you become a Patron? Just go to our Patreon Link Here and join a growing number of friends who want our daily devotionals to continue, get better, and share further than ever before!

Thank you!

Support Faith Encouraged Ministries and Get those Daily Devotionals flowing again!

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