Dear Faith Encouraged Daily Family,
Since late 2012, we have partnered with Ancient Faith Ministries to distribute the Daily Devotionals from Faith Encouraged. We started this Daily Devotional ministry to encourage our Orthodox Faithful to read and apply the Holy Scriptures to their everyday lives.
Since then, thousands of folks have read and used these daily devotionals to be a part of their spiritual growth.
Starting October 1st, Ancient Faith Ministries will no longer be hosting blog sites. This means if you want to continue receiving Faith Encouraged Daily Devotionals, you will need to make sure you sign up at our website – The sign-up box is at the bottom of the first page of the website.
You can get the daily devotionals, watch weekly homilies, and share your prayer requests with Fr. Barnabas through email.
Please make sure you add your email address to the site before October 1st so you can keep getting the Daith Devotionals.
And don’t forget to share these Devotionals with others!
Thank you and God Bless!
The Faith Encouraged Team
Dee Vanstory
I look forward to your blog each day, thank you for sharing.
Dedee Panayis
Looking forward to hearing the Daith Devotionals.