Fear is an emotion that has both a psychological and physical response. When I am afraid, my knees knock; my hands sweat; my mind races; and my heart beats faster, all in response to fear! Funny how my body reacts the same way to being in love! I’m just teasing.
But, seriously, fear motivates so many of our actions and reactions. I know people who spend their whole lives afraid of what might happen, and they design their lives to manage their fears. They live their lives as slaves to what they fear! As I’ve told so many; fear is usually a lousy motivator, and yet how many choices in my life are based on what I’m afraid of? What if it didn’t have to be this way?
Look at our lesson in Hebrews 2:11-18:
BRETHREN, he who sanctifies and those who are sanctified have all one origin. That is why he is not ashamed to call them brethren, saying, “I will proclaim thy name to my brethren, in the midst of the congregation I will praise thee.” And again, “I will put my trust in him.” And again, “Here am I, and the children God has given me. Since therefore the children share in flesh and blood, he himself likewise partook of the same nature, that through death he might destroy him who has the power of death, that is, the devil, and deliver all those who through fear of death were subject to lifelong bondage. For surely it is not with angels that he is concerned but with the descendants of Abraham. Therefore he had to be made like his brethren in every respect, so that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest in the service of God, to make expiation for the sins of the people. For because he himself has suffered and been tempted, he is able to help those who are tempted.
The book of Hebrews is a veritable treasure-trove of theology. And this passage proves the point. Of course St. Paul is writing to a group of Hebrew Christians who are considering going back to Judaism because of the current state of persecution against those who follow Jesus Christ. And in this passage St. Paul is trying to show them that Jesus sets us all free from a “lifelong bondage” to fear, specifically the fear of death.
Look at this theological laundry list of insights about the Lord and His work for you and me: First, humanity and the humanity of the Lord have the same origin. This common origin is the Father. A common origin means He understands our fears, our desires, and our needs. Next, Jesus not only has a common origin with us, but He assumes our human nature as well. The marriage in the Man Jesus of a human and a divine nature means we can become by grace what He is by nature. In other words, we don’t have to be afraid anymore. Finally, His joining of natures, both human and divine, without change, without mixture, sets us free from death by His entering into death and destroying death by death. And His being a real human meant He experiences real suffering and real temptation so He can help those who suffer and are tempted. Sounds like a win-win for everybody but the devil!
This uniting with we humans in the Person of Jesus is such a huge and cosmic-changing event that His conception; foretold for centuries before He came, is announced by an Archangel to a young lady who had been prepared since birth to become the “gateway” for the Uncreated to enter His creation as a creature! The announcement that Christ would be born of the ever-virgin Mary was the harbinger of all that would follow and contains the victory of Christ over sin, death, and Satan when the blessed Theotokos utters the words we are called to utter every day: “Let it be done to me as you have said. I am the Lord’s servant.”
Today, as we celebrate the announcement to the Theotokos that God will become a human, let’s embrace the message that the “lifelong bondage” we humans had suffered before Christ is over and now, if you are still bound by fear and death, it is most assuredly self-inflicted!
P.S. I’d love to hear from you about these daily devotionals. This ministry is “work intensive” and an encouraging word now and again would be so very helpful to us here at Faith Encouraged Ministries. We are fast approaching some hard choices about the future and need to hear from you about your wisdom. Just email us at faithencouraged@ancientfaith.com. Have a great weekend.
Olga Ptach
I love this ministry and have been supporting AFR for about 1 year now with a monthly contribution because of such programs as yours. My heart felt thanks to you Fr Barnabus for you encouraging MY faith to be stronger! May our Lenten journey be fruitful! In Christ, Olga Ptach
Fr. Barnabas Powell
Thank you, Olga. We are honored by your kind words, and strengthened as well. God grant us grace and strength to finish the Fast well.
Keep up the good work Father. Do not get discouraged. I pray for you everyday. I know it is easy to get discouraged, because I get discouraged easily too. Your devotionals mean so much to me. As you would say, “be Orthodox on purpose.”
Fr. Barnabas Powell
Thank you, Andrea. I confess it isn’t so much discouragement as setting priorities. To be honest, I never thought this would take off so quickly. I need to either take this further or cut back. This is where I am today and what I’m praying God’s discernment for now. Thanks again!
Joan Swan
Dear Father,
I was introduced to you via Twitter and subsequently, You Tube. I fell in love with you, your message and presentation and signed up for the Daily Devotional which is very inspiring. I pray that you will be able to continue and that God will guide you in all things. Our Lord’s Blessings upon you and yours!
Please keep these coming Father. I can’t tell you how many times your Devotionals have helped me re-direct/re-think my thoughts & actions!
Chum Atkins
Don’t dare quit writing these! I look forward to reading your devotional with my morning coffee, and you never disappoint!
This passage is very real to me. Over two decades ago I was married but divorced when my son was just 8 months old. The legacy of the marriage has been a bondage to fear. The marriage was volatile and violent. The man threatened to kill me as I was holding out 3 week old child. I cried out to the Panayia. He said there is no one here except me.
I have lived with the trauma since then. I lived alone with my son until he left when he was eighteen. It has been difficult to formulate any kind of friendships as I am often struck with terror when somebody is angry with me. It is a trigger very much like a soldier who has experienced trauma in a battle. I recently ended a relationship and am trying to get over this, as the person was hurt by my inability to conquer my fears and unable to accept their love. And they have lashed out at me with cruel words.
I am really struggling with forgiving them for their cruel words but also I am struggling to forgive myself for having lived in sin with the person. And I am struggling with feelings of hatred toward myself and the other person because of the sinful nature of the relationship.
I would value your prayers.
Fr. Barnabas Powell
I will certainly pray for you, Despina.
Thank you
caroline frances.
Thankyou Father your messages are really encouraging i fear sometimes with this strange yet beautiful world the beauty of nature the unconditional love of God for each and everyone of us i am a converted orthodox believer that teach humility and love the only way to heaven…God bless you….+
Fr. Barnabas Powell
Thanks Caroline!